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Society > Youth

Webs: 1-48 of 48 [Latest additions first | Alphabetical order]

  1. 1.


    Youth encounter for the Catalan language organized by Joves de Mallorca per la Llengua.

    Society >> Youth

  2. 2.

    Grup infantil i juvenil Nàufraga

    Children entertainment group.

    Society >> Youth

  3. 3.

    Xarxa Jove de Llucmajor

    Web of the youth information centre of the Llucmajor Town Council.

    Society >> Youth

  4. 4.

    Equip Dinamo

    Youth activity service by the Palma City Council.

    Society >> Youth

  5. 5.

    Pinyol Vermell

    Association of young people from Sa Pobla.

    Society >> Youth

  6. 6.


    Association of young people from Pina.

    Society >> Youth

  7. 7.

    Sa Sargantana

    Association of young people from the Balearic Islands that are studying in Barcelona.

    Society >> Youth

  8. 8.

    Punt d'Informació Jove i Centre Universitari de Campos

    Youth Information Point and University Centre of Campos.

    Society >> Youth

  9. 9.

    EiXam Xalest

    Web by the youth association EiXam Xalest from Son Carrió.

    Society >> Youth

  10. 10.

    Es Pantaleu

    Web of the youth association Es Pantaleu from Sant Elm.

    Society >> Youth

  11. 11.

    Esplai Lluna Nova

    Youth association and leisure centre in Bunyola.

    Society >> Youth

  12. 12.


    Non-profit-making organisation dedicated to educational, adventure, leisure and social activities.

    Society >> Youth

  13. 13.

    Skamot Sobrassada

    Group of fans of the "castells".

    Society >> Youth

  14. 14.

    Consell de Joventut de les Illes Balears

    Youth association of the Balearic Islands.

    Society >> Youth

  15. 15.

    Els Gínjols

    Scout group from Santa Eugènia.

    Society >> Youth

  16. 16.

    OJE Illes Balears

    Free time group: sports, excursions, plastic arts, etc.

    Society >> Youth

  17. 17.

    AEG Nuredduna

    Webpage of the scout group Nuredduna (Palmanyola).

    Society >> Youth

  18. 18.

    Grup Joves Bona Ventura

    Scout group in Llucmajor.

    Society >> Youth

  19. 19.

    Joves d'Artà

    Youth association from Artà.

    Society >> Youth

  20. 20.

    La Generación Perdida

    Group of friends.

    Society >> Youth

  21. 21.

    Club d'Esplai Parroquial Bellver

    Youth club situated in Son Armadams.

    Society >> Youth

  22. 22.

    Grup d'esplai Es Campet de Sa Cabaneta

    Web page of the scout group Es Campet from Sa Cabaneta.

    Society >> Youth

  23. 23.

    Joves de Mallorca per la Llengua

    Web page of the youth association Joves de Mallorca per la Llengua dedicated to promote the normal use of Catalan in the island. Organises events such as the Correllengua and the Acampallengua.

    Society >> Youth

  24. 24.


    Youth hiking group from Mallorca.

    Society >> Youth

  25. 25.

    Club Cool

    Youth club from Mallorca.

    Society >> Youth

  26. 26.

    Web del grup de joves. Parròquia de Sant Marçal

    Web page of the youth group of the Sant Marçal parish in Sa Cabaneta.

    Society >> Youth

  27. 27.

    Agrupament Reina Constança de Mallorca

    Web page of the scout group Agrupament Escolta i Guia Reina Constança de Mallorca.

    Society >> Youth

  28. 28.

    Agrupament Escolta i Guiatge Turó del Drac

    Scout group Turó del Drac from Santa Margalida.

    Society >> Youth

  29. 29.

    Moviment Escolta i Guiatge de Mallorca

    Scout movement on Mallorca.

    Society >> Youth

  30. 30.

    Agrupament escolta Terra de pous

    Scout group Terra de pous from Santa Maria del Camí.

    Society >> Youth

  31. 31.

    JJMM de Palma

    Web page of the Musical Youth Association of Palma. Activities, concerts, artists, etc.

    Society >> Youth

  32. 32.

    Assemblea de Mallorca de Maulets

    Youth organization fighting for social and national freedom of the Catalan Countries.

    Society >> Youth

  33. 33.

    Agrupament Escolta i Guia Sa Marjal

    Scout group in Sa Pobla.

    Society >> Youth

  34. 34.

    Voltors OJE

    Excursionist group in Palma de Mallorca. Pot holing, canooing and mountain climbs.

    Society >> Youth

  35. 35.

    Borsa d'habitatge - UIB

    University home pool with offers and requests for rooms in flats to share with other students.

    Society >> Youth

  36. 36.

    JOC Federació de Mallorca

    Information about the Christian movement of the JOC in Mallorca, formed by youngsters from the Mallorcan church.

    Society >> Youth

  37. 37.

    Agrupament Escolta de Sóller

    Web of the rambling group "Agrupament Escolta i Guies Capità Angelats" in Soller.

    Society >> Youth

  38. 38.

    Oficina de Defensa dels Drets del Menor - ODDM

    The web of ODDM presents, in an easily understandable language, the rights of children under 18, and offers a telephone and e-mail for the youngsters to contact directly to the office.

    Society >> Youth

  39. 39.

    Grup de joves de Santa Maria la Major d'Inca

    Group of youngsters who form part of the Parish of Santa Maria la Major in Inca.

    Society >> Youth

  40. 40.

    Borsa de voluntariat

    Volunteer Pool is a service by the Balearic University.

    Society >> Youth

  41. 41.

    NU Joves Naturistes de les Illes Balears

    Reference point for youngsters of the Balearic Islands who wish to get to know places where they can practice naturism.

    Society >> Youth

  42. 42.

    Asociación Internacional Juventud Idente - Illes Balears

    International Youth NGO dedicated to the education of values, voluntarism and cultural activities.

    Society >> Youth

  43. 43.

    Correllengua 1999

    Original relay race in which the Flama de la Llengua, (Language Flame) is used. The participants symbolise with this gesture their commitment to Mallorca's own language, Catalan. Join the Great Human Chain!

    Society >> Youth

  44. 44.

    Associació de Joves Empresaris de Balears

    Services and members of the association of young entrepreneurs of the Balearic Islands, etc.

    Society >> Youth

  45. 45.

    Joves d'Esquerra Nacionalista - PSM

    Youth polítical organization of the PSM-Entesa Nacionalista de Mallorca.

    Society >> Youth

  46. 46.

    Centre d'Informació Jove - CIJ

    The CIJ is a Youth Information Service of the Town Hall of Palma.

    Society >> Youth

  47. 47.

    Carnet Jove

    Can be requested by all the young people, between 14 and 25, resident in the Balears or not. to benefit from its advantages, discounts etc.

    Society >> Youth

  48. 48.


    Youthful information of the Balearic Government - General Direction of Youth of the Balearic Government.

    Society >> Youth


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