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Wood fair "Tecnofusta" in Manacor

Wood fair "Tecnofusta" in Manacor
From May 23 to 26, the Polígon Industrial de Manacor will hold the wood fair "Tecnofusta. I Fira de Producció de la Fusta, Maquinària i Tecnologia", organised by Fires i Congressos de Balears, the Balearic Government and the Federació de la Fusta i Suro de la CAIB, with the support form the Manacor Town Council and the Centre Tecnològic Balear de la Fusta (CETEBAL). The fair will be open on May 23 and 24 for professionals, and on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 for everybody. Entrance is 3,50 € and visiting times are 11 a.m. to 8 p.m..

Coinciding with Tecnofusta, Cetebal has orgnised some Technical days and the exhibition "Moble Manacor 15 Anys de Disseny" that groups the 15 furniture pieces that have won in the past 15 years of the Concurs de Disseny del Moble Manacor, organised by the Associació Empresarial de la Fusta de Balears.

For more information about Tecnofusta see Fustabalears.com
Date of publication: 16/05/2002

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