BalearWeb: Mallorca - Menorca - Ibiza - Formentera
Conselleria de Salut, Família i Benestar Social
Ministry of Salut, Família i Benestar Social of the Balearic Government. Councillor: Carmen Castro Gandasegui.
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Fundation Caubet-Cimera Balearic Islands
International Centre for Advanced Respiratory Medicine located in Hospital Joan March.
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Website of the Association of Narcotics Anonymous in Palma de Mallorca.
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Official College of Dentists of the Balearic Islands.
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CPM Foundation is a Spanish non-profit organization, whose objective is to provide voluntary reconstructive surgery services and related specialities to children and adults in developing countries.
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Majorcan Association for Persons with Psychic Disabilities and employment special centre.
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Asociación de Cardiopatías Congénitas de Baleares
Balearic Association of congenital cardiopathies integrated in the Fundación Menudos Corazones.
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Association dedicated to help lessen the unnecessary pain and suffering that so frequently is present during the last stages of an incurable disease.
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Official Association of Physiotherapists from the Balearic Islands
Official Association of Physiotherapists from the Balearic Islands.
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Non-governmental organisation to provide the world's most vulnerable populations with medical assistance. Office in Palma.
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Group of professionals and volunteers working on AIDS related problems.
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Escola Universitària d'Infermeria i Fisioteràpia
University School of Nursery and Physiotherapy of the Balearic University (UIB).
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Union of Superior Technical Sanitary Specialists of the Balearic Islands.
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Balearic Delegation of the Spanish Medical Radiology Society.
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Associació Balear de Parkinson
Web page of the Balearic Parkinson Association.
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Fundació Banc de Sang i Teixits de le les Illes Balears
Web page of The Blood and Tissue Bank Foundation of the Balearic Islands.
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Web page of the Professional Association of Health Technicians of the Balearics (APTEB).
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Sociedad Balear de Medicina del Trabajo
Scientific medical society committed to promoting the development of Work Medicine.
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Balearic Association of people affected by the Trigonitis and the Interstitial Cystitis, based in Pina.
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Associació Balear d'Esclerosi Múltiple
The Balearic Multiple Sclerosis Association is a non-profit making organization which provides services and support to those living with and affected by multiple sclerosis.
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Asociación Balear contra la Fibrosis Quística
Information about the Balearic Association against Cystic Fibrosis.
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Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques de Catalunya i de Balears
Promotion and information on health sciences and other related scientific and cultural activities.
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Servei de Salut de les Illes Balears (ib-salut)
INSALUD is the public institution responsible for the administration of the public services network for health assistance.
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Web of the Spanish Red Cross. Balearic Offices in Palma. Local groups in Mallorca, Menorca and Eivissa.
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Médicos Sin Fronteras is a private, independent, apolitical and aconfessional organisation for humanitarian help.
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Asociación de Técnicos en Emergencias Médicas de las Islas Baleares
Web by the Association of Technicians of Medical Emergencies of the Balearics.
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Altruistic association in favour of the hospitalized children. A pioneering experience in Spain, carried out by professionals of the spectacle and the sanitary world.
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Association of diabetics of the Balearics. Central office in Palma de Mallorca.
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Non-profit Institution. Centres its activity in the Medical Research and Assistance.
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