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Archive 1999-2003

News: 111-115 of 3190

  1. 111.

    Fiestas de la Beata in Santa Margalida

    Santa Margalida is celebrating the fiestas in honour of Santa Catalina Tomàs, the Beata. The programme includes a wide range of interesting proposals, including children's and sporting ...

    01 September 2003Archive 1999-2003

  2. 112.

    What's new on MallorcaWeb

    In August 114 new webs have been registered in the directory and search engine of MallorcaWeb. Amongst the novelties are the magazines Mescurt and Arròs amb Salseta , a web dedicated ...

    31 August 2003Archive 1999-2003

  3. 113.

    Fiestas for "Rei En Jaume" in Santa Ponça

    The Fiestas for the King Jaume I have started this weekend in Santa Ponça, to celebrate the 774 Anniversary of the landing of King Jaime I in the local bay. The calendar of festivities, which ...

    30 August 2003Archive 1999-2003

  4. 114.

    Fiestas for the Diada in Lluc

    The Santuari de Lluc will hold the festivities for the Diada 2003 between September 6 and 14. This year the programme is presented with a text by the prior of Lluc, Jaume Reynés, dedicated to ...

    28 August 2003Archive 1999-2003

  5. 115.

    Melon Fiesta in Vilafranca

    A whole series of popular activities will entertain the town of Vilafranca de Bonany, between September 6 and 7, due to the celebration of the tradition Festa del Meló. The Festa del ...

    25 August 2003Archive 1999-2003


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