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Concert by Biel Majoral in Alcúdia

Concert by Biel Majoral in Alcúdia
Biel Majoral will offer a concert on November 3, at the Auditori d'Alcúdia, coinciding with the fiestas for Santa Cecilia. The performance will be at 8 p.m. and the price of the tickets is 500 pesetas.

The singer songwriter will interpret the songs included in his latest record "Temps, temps, temps", that started selling last summer, and some songs from "Vou veri vou per no dormir", his first CD.

Biel Majoral is expert in popular Mallorcan music. Hi tells and sings credible stories that are recovered from the past, but still conserve their fresh irony and protests message, connecting directly with present days.

More in formation on the two records, including audio files, can be found on the web of the artist.
Datum: 20/10/2001

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