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Jordi Pujol will talk about globalization in Palma

Jordi Pujol will talk about globalization in Palma
The President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Jordi Pujol, will visit Mallorca on November 5 to participate in two cultural events.

At 11 a.m., president Pujol will open, together with president Antich, the meeting "Les Illes Balears i Catalunya a la Unió Europea", organised by the Patronat Català Pro Europa and the Centre Balears Europa. The Day will start at 11 a.m. at the Centre de Cultura "Sa Nostra".

On the same day, at 7:30 p.m., at the Conservatori de Música i Dansa de les Illes Balears, the president de la Generalitat de Catalunya will pronounce the conference "El Segle XXI: Identitats i Globalització", emmarcada in the Forum OCB impulsed by the Obra Cultural Balear.

The visit to Mallorca of the president of del Catalan government will end with a dinner organised by the Obra Cultural Balear at La Granja d'Esporles.

Jordi Pujol was first elected as President of the Generalitat de Catalunya in 1980, and relelected at the same position in 1984, 1988, 1992, 1995 and 1999.
Datum: 27/10/2001

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