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Alaró: Let's listen to classical music!

Alaró: Let's listen to classical music!
The Library in Alaró, with collaboration from Obra Social y Cultura de Sa Nostra, has organised, in tribute to Saint Cecilia, a series of musical 'listenings' to approach people to classical music.

The first commented evening, of the four that the series will have, will be on Friday November 23 by Aránzazu Miró, music critic and author of the book "Aquell hivern de Chopin a Mallorca" (Palma: El Far, 2000). In this first edition, the sonority of the orchestra will be dealt with, making an analysis of the timbre of the instruments that comprise a symphonic orchestra.

The other three evenings, also by Aránzazu Mrió, are programmed for December 2001, January 2002 and February 2002, the dates still to be confirmed. In the second session, "The Year of Verdi" will be commemorated, with a concert of the opera "La Traviata", the third will be dedicated to the classic sonata and its concerts; and the fourth will go through a stylistic and formal history route of music.
Datum: 20/11/2001

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