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Days on territorial problems

Days on territorial problems
The "Jornadas de Ordenación del Territorio "Societat i territori", organised by the Official College of Architects of the Balearics (COAB), will be held from November 21 to 23 in the Banca March's assembly Hall in calle Nuredduna in Palma.

According to the organisers, the objective of the days is "to confront the territorial problems from different points of view, where architects, promoters, politicians, sociologists, artists, economists, businesspeople, journalists, etc. about the important transformation experienced over the past decades on our islands and about what the solutions may be for the future."

Amongst the talkers who will participate in the Days are: Pere Salvà Tomàs, Professor for Human Geography at the UIB; Carlos García-Delgado Segués, architect; Camilo Cela Conde, professor of Philosophy at the UIB; Javier Domínguez Anadón, architect; Baltasar Porcel, writer; and Manuel de Solà-Morales i Rubió, architect. The conferences will begin at 4.30 p.m. and at 5.30 p.m.

There will also be three round tables that will start at 7 p.m. with participation, amongst others, by Francesc Quetglas, Blearic Councillor for Public Works, Housing and Transport;  Pere Nicolau Bover, architect; Ferran Porto Vila, member  of the Board of Directors of the Hoteliers' Federation of Mallorca; Rafel de Lacy Fortuny, executive Councillor for the Territorial Planning of the Council of Mallorca; Mateo Alemany Font, president of  RCD Mallorca; and Feliciano Fuster Jaume, Honorary President of the Endesa Group.

Attendance is free and does not require prior inscription.

More information: Virtual COAB

Photo © BalearWeb: Banca March
Datum: 18/11/2001

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