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Fair "Simo TCI" in Madrid

Fair "Simo TCI" in Madrid
La 41th edition of the "Simo TCI, International Fair on Computers, Multimedia and Communication" will be held at the Exhibition Hall Juan Carlos I in Madrid from November 6 to 11, 2001.

The Fair will have the participation of some nine hundred exhibitors distributed in four groups: Information Technologies, Professional Applications, e-business/B2B and Telecommunications.

This year the fair will have the participation of five firms from the Balearic Islands, with the support of the Balearic Government: Evolución Informática Hotelera, Winhotel, Fernández Davies Asociados (Accu-Type), Cibal Multimedia and Interloc&Sistemas.

More information: www.simovirtual.com
Datum: 06/11/2001

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