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German Expressionists (1902-1930)

German Expressionists (1902-1930)

Kunsthalle Emden Collection.

The Cultural Centre of the "CaixaForum Palma, situated in the old Gran Hotel building in the plaza de Weyler in Palma, will house from February 12 to April 18, the exhibition called "German Expressionists (1902-1930). Kunsthalle Emden Collection". The exhibition is a review of German expressionism, one of the most important artistic movements of the 20th century, with works by Max Beckmann, George Grosz, Emil August Macke and Nolde, among others.

The works are part of the Kunsthalle Emden, museum build by the founder of the Stern German magazine, Henri Nannen, to hold his art collection.

Free entrance.

Datum: 11/02/2010

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