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Archiv 1999-2003

Nachrichten: 1396-1400 de 3190

  1. 1396.

    I Prize Casa Museu Llorenç Villalonga

    The studio "La tafanera posteritat. Assaigs sobre Llorenç Villalonga", by Louise Johnson, has won the I Premi Casa Museu Llorenç Villalonga . The Prize will be given next ...

    05 Oktober 2001Archiv 1999-2003

  2. 1397.

    Fight Hunger to Reduce Poverty

    Around 800 million men, women and children are chronically hungry. Hunger causes illness and death, robs people of their potential to work and cripples children's learning capacity. "Fight ...

    05 Oktober 2001Archiv 1999-2003

  3. 1398.

    Course: Using natural scenery

    The course "Vivint el paisatge: Tècniques d'anàlisi, interpretació, comunicació i intervenció en el paisatge" will take place on October 25 and 26 at Can Tàpera, in Palma, and October 26 and 27 ...

    05 Oktober 2001Archiv 1999-2003

  4. 1399.

    Music Festival in Bunyola

    The Quintet Illa de Mallorca will offer a concert at the Casa de Cultura de Bunyola, next Saturday, October 6, at 8.45 p.m., within the "XVII Festival de Música de Bunyola"; a cycle that is ...

    04 Oktober 2001Archiv 1999-2003

  5. 1400.

    sonIMAGFOTO: Image World

    The Montjuïc exhibition hall is holding these days the biennial fair sonIMAGFOTO, image world , that can be visited until October 7, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. The conference, organised by Fira ...

    04 Oktober 2001Archiv 1999-2003


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