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Manacor > Wissenschaft und Bildung > Schulen > Akademien

Web-Sites: 1-3 von 3 [Neueste zuerst | Alphabetisch geordnet]

  1. 1.

    Global Centre d'Estudis

    Language and computer technology courses and reinforcement lessons for school students.

    Manacor >> Wissenschaft und Bildung >> Schulen >> Akademien

  2. 2.

    Acadèmia Portocristo

    Language and computer technology courses and reinforcement lessons for school students.

    Manacor >> Wissenschaft und Bildung >> Schulen >> Akademien

  3. 3.

    Escuela Universitaria de Turismo Felipe Moreno

    Tourism High School of the Balearics is a private centre of university level and international prestige, dedicated to training managers, directors and other officers of responsibility in the Hostelry and Tourist firms.

    Manacor >> Wissenschaft und Bildung >> Schulen >> Akademien


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