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Sóller > Freizeit > Ausflüge

Web-Sites: 1-3 von 3 [Neueste zuerst | Alphabetisch geordnet]

  1. 1.

    Barcos Azules

    You can go to a lot of beaches in Mallorca but only Barcos Azules will take you to the most hidden creeks in the north coast of the island.

    Sóller >> Freizeit >> Ausflüge

  2. 2.


    Guided excursions. Information on trekking in the Serra de Tramuntana.

    Sóller >> Freizeit >> Ausflüge

  3. 3.

    Tren de Sóller

    Since 1912, The Train of Sóller offers to the traveller the possibility of discovering the Mediterranean landscapes of the Mountain range of Tramuntana while travelling between Palma and Sóller. Information by Sollernet.

    Sóller >> Freizeit >> Ausflüge


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