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Gesellschaft > Stiftungen

Web-Sites: 31-35 von 36 [Neueste zuerst | Alphabetisch geordnet]

  1. 31.

    Fundación Rotger - Villalonga

    Foundation dedicated to poet Miquel Costa Llobera.

    Gesellschaft >> Stiftungen

  2. 32.

    Fundación S'Olivar d'Estellencs

    Dream and construct a more fraternal world in a better environment. Committee Nobel Peace Prize 2000 for Juan Carrero Saralegui.

    Gesellschaft >> Stiftungen

  3. 33.

    Fundación Sophia

    Foundation based in Palma committed to art and philosophy development.

    Gesellschaft >> Stiftungen

  4. 34.


    Foundation to suport and promote the Balearic sport.

    Gesellschaft >> Stiftungen

  5. 35.


    Intermon, created in 1956, is a Foundation that works to eradicate poverty in Southern people and to supply the means for them to attain their own development. The Spanish Foundation has local committees in Palma and Maó.

    Gesellschaft >> Stiftungen


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