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Kunst und Kultur > Sprache und Literatur > Katalanisch

Web-Sites: 1-48 von 48 [Neueste zuerst | Alphabetisch geordnet]

  1. 1.


    Youth encounter for the Catalan language organized by Joves de Mallorca per la Llengua.

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  2. 2.

    Ara és la teva

    Campaign of the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Mallorca Council of the Town Council of Palma to promote the use of Catalan.

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  3. 3.

    Amb tu, en català

    Campaign that connects a person who can speak Catalan with a person who is learning the language and wants to practise it.

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  4. 4.


    Catalan language services.

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  5. 5.

    Atles interactiu de l’entonació del català

    Audio and video materials for the study of prosody and intonation in the various dialects of Catalan.

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  6. 6.

    Toponímia Mallorca

    Names of places from Mallorca located on the digital cartography by Google Maps.

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  7. 7.

    Web de llengua

    Linguistic resources by the universities of the Institute Joan Lluís Vives.

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  8. 8.

    Xarxa Lingüística Portuària

    Catalan resources by the Linguistic Network of the Marinas of the Balearic Islands, Barcelona and Tarragona.

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  9. 9.

    Plataforma "Calvià per la Llengua"

    Social movement committed to the normalisation of Catalan language.

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  10. 10.

    Aplec de rondaies mallorquines d'en Jordi d'es Recó

    Web page by the digital magazine Lletra dedicated to the Rondaies and to Antoni M. Alcover i Sureda.

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  11. 11.

    Biblioteca del TERMCAT

    All the books about technical and scientific terminology in Catalan.

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  12. 12.


    Online dictionary of the technical and scientific neologisms normalised in Catalan, by the TERMCAT.

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  13. 13.


    Automated consulting system for Catalan terminology by the TERMCAT.

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  14. 14.

    Menu a la carta

    Online service to create restaurant menus in 6 different languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, German, French and Italian.

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  15. 15.

    Francesc de B. Moll

    Web page about Francesc de B. Moll (Ciutadella 1903-Palma 1991) by "Lletra".

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  16. 16.

    Institut Ramon Llull

    Consortium dedicated to promoting the Catalan culture and language outside.

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  17. 17.

    Joves de Mallorca per la Llengua

    Web page of the youth association Joves de Mallorca per la Llengua dedicated to promote the normal use of Catalan in the island. Organises events such as the Correllengua and the Acampallengua.

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  18. 18.

    Materials de construcció

    Web pages about Catalan language and sociolinguistics created by Gabriel Bibiloni.

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  19. 19.

    Nomenclàtor de nuclis de població

    Provides information on the names of localities on the Balearic and Pitiüses islands.

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  20. 20.

    Sociolingüística. El món català i Europa

    Web page dedicated to sociolinguistics aspects of the Catalan language.

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  21. 21.

    Mallorquinisch Wort für Wort - Katalanisch für Mallorca

    Elektronische Version eines speziell auf die Balearen zugeschnittenen Sprachführers (Katalanisch), der im Peter Rump-Verlag als Buch erschienen ist.

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  22. 22.


    The Programa d'Ensenyament de la Llengua Catalana (PELC) is an online computer application to learn Catalan on Internet.

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  23. 23.

    XII Setmana del Llibre Català

    The XII Catalan Book Week from February 15 to 25 in the fairs hall "Fires i Congressos" de Balears.

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  24. 24.

    Diccionari Català-Valencià-Balear

    Digital edition of the Català-Valencià-Balear Dictionary, initiated by Mn. Antoni Ma. Alcover and edited by Francesc de B. Moll together with Manuel Sanchis Guarner and Ana Moll Marquès.

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  25. 25.


    Free service for automatic translation from Castillian to Catalan via the net.

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  26. 26.

    Cinema en català a les Illes Balears

    Promotion campaign for cinema in catalan in the Balearics. Information about the premiers and novelties by e-mail.

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  27. 27.

    Acció Cultural del País Valencià

    Association that encourages the study and promotion of the language belonging to Pais Valencià, Catalan.

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    Consortium for the promotion of Catalan and the Protection Abroad of the Culture of the Balearics.

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  29. 29.

    Associació Germano-Catalana

    Der Deutsche Katalanistenverband e.V. (DKV) ist ein Fachverband, der sich die Vertretung und Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Katalanistik im deutschsprachigen Raum zum Ziel gesetzt hat. Veranstaltung von Tagungen, insbesondere eines mindestens alle zwei Jahre abzuhaltenden Deutschen Katalanistentags.

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  30. 30.

    Lèxic Bàsic d'Internet Català-Anglès

    Group of terms related to Internat in particular and computers in general.

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  31. 31.

    Proclama per l'ensenyament en català

    Proclamation of the XI edition of the "Setmana del Llibre en Català" (Catalan book week) (24/2/2000).

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  32. 32.

    Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana

    Web page of the Great Dictionary of the Catalan language, service on line offered by the Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana. It permits consulting nearly 77,000 entries and 155,000 definitions present in this work.

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  33. 33.

    Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana

    General information about the foundation and firms of the group. Services on line: The Hiperencicopedia, the Great Dictionary of the Catalan language, Llibres.com, the Catalonia news on line, the search engine Cercador.com, Text on line and local guides of Catalonia.

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  34. 34.


    It faithfully collects the presence of the Catalan language in the www and in the World. Directory of webs in Catalan, operating since November 11, 1996. It has over 4000 adresses on Internet in Catalan, daily news.

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  35. 35.


    Co-ordinator of associations for the Catalan language.

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  36. 36.


    Softcatalà is a non-lucrative association that strives towards the normalisation of the Catalan language in the computer sector relating to Internet.

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  37. 37.

    Institut d'Estudis Catalans

    Academic, scientific and cultural corporation that carries out scientific investigation and principally of all the elements of Catalan culture.

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  38. 38.

    Premi Carlemany de Novel·la

    Amongst the winners of previous editions we can find the Mallorcan writers, Maria de la Pau Janer, in 1995 for "Natura d'anguila", and Gabriel Janer Manila, in 1997 for "Els jardins incendiats".

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  39. 39.

    Studies on Ramon Llull

    Web page by Esteve Jaulent, from the Comissão Brasileira de Filosofia Medieval, and the INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE FILOSOFIA E CIÊNCIA "RAIMUNDO LÚLIO".

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  40. 40.


    The Centro de Terminología TERMCAT is the organisation in charge of the general coordination of the terminology activities relating to Catalan.

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  41. 41.

    5000 Refranys de la Nostra Terra

    This work collects 5.283 proverbs and sayings in Catalan, subdivided in subjects that refer to cultural and traditional aspects of Catalan culture, in continuous ampliation.

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  42. 42.

    Premi Nadal Batle i Nicolau - Consell Social de la UIB

    The prize will be given to the best unedited informative essay or novel, written in Catalan, which deals totally or partially with information technologies and their social impact, excluding science fiction.

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  43. 43.

    Gabinet de Terminologia - UIB

    The Terminology Office of the University of the Balearic Islands, collaborator of Termcat, was created with a view to coordinating and promoting the initiatives in the field of terminology in the Balearics.

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  44. 44.

    Gabinet d’Onomàstica - UIB

    The Onomastic (Toponym and Antroponym) Office was created by the Balearic University as a service and aid for teachers, the investigation and development of the field of names and associated technologies carried out in the UIB.

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  45. 45.

    Servei Lingüístic de la UIB

    Dedicated to the language normalisation in the University of the Balearic Islands to give support to the consulting function with the Autonomous Statue. Five activity areas: correction, terminology, onomastics, promotion and training.

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  46. 46.

    Departament de Filologia Catalana i Lingüística General - UIB

    Department of Catalan Philology of the University of the Balearic Islands. Staff, Studies, Research, Related Sites, Conferences and Activities.

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  47. 47.

    Correllengua 1999

    Original relay race in which the Flama de la Llengua, (Language Flame) is used. The participants symbolise with this gesture their commitment to Mallorca's own language, Catalan. Join the Great Human Chain!

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  48. 48.

    Obra Cultural Balear

    Cultural institution. Founded in Palma on 1962 by Francesc de Borja Moll, with the aim of promoting the catalan language and an culture.

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