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The Llevant Peninsula Declared Natural Park

The Llevant Peninsula Declared Natural Park
The Llevant Peninsula Natural Park becomes the largest protected area in the Balearics and the first one that will bear in mind, as well as the preservation of the natural surroundings, the economic reactivation of the area.

The Balearic Government, in the Cabinet Meeting, has approved the proposal by the Councillor for Environment, Margalida Rosselló, for the Decree which declares the "Parc Natural de la Península de Llevant i les Reserves Naturals de Cap Farrutx i Cap des Freu".

According to the article in the approved decree, the Llevant Peninsula Natural Park, situated in the municipalities of  Artà, Capdepera, Son Servera, Sant Llorenç des Cardassar and Santa Margalida, has an approximate area of  21.507 Ha, of which 16.232 Ha. are land and 5.275 Ha. are sea. A great part of the territory affected by the declaration already had a certain degree of protection since 1991 when they were declared to be a special protection area by the Law of Natural Areas.

The new norm declares within the field of a Natural Park, two Natural Reserves, Cap Farrutx (Artà), with an area of approximately 252 Ha, and Cap des Freu (Capdepera), with an area of approximately 13 Ha. Also the decree establishes Areas of Scenic protection, not considered to be Natural Park, with the aim to protecting the periphery of the area.

Meanwhile, the Govern has finally approved the Plan of Order for Natural Resources in the Llevant, a norm that together with the future Directive Plan for the Use and Administration, will regulate the Natural Park.

The GOB has congratulated the Govern in a communiqué "for this important step in the protection of our natural heritage."  According to the ecological organisation , "the declaration of the Llevant Park marks a before and an after in the protection of natural areas in the Balearics."  The GOB ended its communication encouraging the Govern to dedicate as from today, the necessary efforts to declare the Serra de Tramuntana a Park during this legislature, a commitment of the Pacte de Progrés.

More information:
- Conselleria de Medi Ambient
Datum: 09/11/2001

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